The attacks on the World Trade Center in New York, the Pentagon in Washington DC, the Parliament House in New Delhi, the Bali bombings and attacks in London have indeed made terrorism, its gruesome presence felt and highlighted the shocks that terrorism can unleash on humanity. Many parts of the world had been facing terrorism and urging for international action for facing the dreadful menace. Minor wakeup calls were coming up time and again, but the world did not do much beyond paying lip service to its cause of fighting terrorism. After such horrendous acts if terrorism comes to an end, it will be the most fortunate moment when the hopes and dreams of the people all over the world will be materialized. The world will be free of corruption, hatred, jealousy and with unity and integrity among the people. But, the euphoria will be soon marked by the tensions followed. On the other hand, if terrorism wins, then the world should be doomed to be doomed at the hands of terrorists for all the time to come.
Now one of the most important questions that come to our mind is how to control and overcome this menace. It’s very difficult to tell, because even after lots and lots of efforts that have been taken to overcome it, it shows its might in some or the other way. So it’s doubtful to say whether, it can ever be overcome or not. In fact, it feels very sad in saying this, but I have come to a conclusion that it will never end and will continue for years until some strict action is not taken by the world leaders against the dreadful acts of terrorists. It will never result in bringing and establishing peace anywhere in the world. The beautiful and spiritual places in the world will be battered, coupled with polarization of masses on religious grounds and petrified and helpless citizens of the world.
A total wiping out of terrorism may not be practically possible, but, to make concentrated efforts to finish terrorism with an iron hand should be order of the day in the present day situation. In a country like India, it is very difficult as its neighboring countries are the hub of all these activities. For this, there should be collective action, which may include global economic sanctions against the countries that support and finance terrorist activities anywhere in the world, and direct military intervention by multinational forces of army. In fact, world does have the capabilities to put curbs on terrorist activities significantly, if the world government gives green signal to do so.
Terrorism is not only brutal, but also a crime against the whole of humanity. Leave aside people, now the outlook is scarier, because, virtually, all the countries will have to be on guard against enthusiasts driven by religion bigotry, who think nothing of killing themselves in the aid of their dubious cause. They are so blinded by their religious frenzy that they seem to be devoid of all the normal human agitations of mind. The insane killings of blameless people including women and children like in Godhra Riots, are no concern for them. Indeed, these demented mercenaries may find cause from such barbaric terrorist attacks. It can only lead to war and destruction and nothing else.
The scope from inflicting value of what is lost on a very great degree has been increased by the deadly nature of advanced destructive weapons. It is evident enough, that if these insane groups of terrorists are to be stopped, the intelligence agencies of all the countries, especially, the countries, which are targeted by the terrorists have to step up their levels of co-operation. The world powers will have to take a lead hand is this matter not only because they have equipped resources and useful tactics to tackle this menace if all. If unchallenged, these elements will ring the death knell of modern civilization. If they can dare to take on powerful nations like US, India, UK, one can imagine how vulnerable other countries would be. Our country, however should take appropriate stand to be effectively involved in the worldly fight against terrorism without giving up friendship of any nation. It is necessary to tell them that the clock cannot be turned back to the dark ages.
The war of the worldly nations with the countries representing the act of terrorism will indeed be the second world war of twenty first century. Only time will tell us if this is the dangerous war, the great French scientist Nostradamus describes as the third World War, that will last for twenty seven years! The world will hope that at least this time Nostradamus ascertains his geniuses as incorrect and the world war will be able to extend to enjoy a time for peace and serenity of feelings, howsoever, nice handling is essential.
I think I should stop here saying that, there is no point in thinking whether terrorism can be overcome or not and whether it will bring to effect the calmness and peace, as it is the crying need of hour. The destructive acts of the mercenaries involved in terrorist groups, has forced all peace loving nations to come together. But then also these unprovoked acts of terrorists will only end in leading to evil and deadly as it is said by noted thinker Barry Farber;
"Crime expands according to our willingness to put up with it."
Terrorism will come to an end only by itself, when terrorists get tired or run out of resources.